8 Necessary Traits a PhD Scholar Must Have

Posted by on Aug 25, 2016 in PhD Thesis | 0 comments

To excel in their research work, successful preparation of dissertation of acceptance of the work, a PhD scholar needs to have some crucial traits. Read on to know the 8 necessary traits a PhD scholar must have. 1. Discipline Always remember the fact that doing PhD is no easy feat. Thinking of the title, doing the research work, compiling the research, doing the editing etc., are all time taking job. You a PhD scholar needs to be disciplined to work out the timings they are going to devote on their research work and strictly adhere to it. 2. Creative Creativity is extremely crucial for undertaking a research work. Being creative not only applies to discovering new ways of doing the research work and finding facts, but also discovering innovative ways of compiling the work to instantly attract the attention of the guide and other readers. 3. Curiosity Research work involves being curious. PhD scholar needs to be curious about their research topic and how to go about it. Their curiosity will lead the way towards data research and finding. Their curiosity will pave way to discovering different facts and getting references and information from different sources. 4. Communicative Communication skills are very important for research work. Good communication skills will help the scholar to build and maintain a good bond with their guide and peers and also assist them in doing their research work. During the research, the scholar needs to deal and communicate with different people. With good communication skills, they can engage the people and get information they have been looking for. 5. Intelligence Intelligence is indispensible in research work. A PhD scholar needs to be intelligent enough to decide the title, discover ways to do their research, derive the findings and present their dissertation. 6. Leadership A PhD scholar needs to have the leadership trait as they need to lead their research. They need to embark on a journey to discover answers to their research questions and confidently complete their dissertation. 7. Productive Dissertation submission has certain time frame. A PhD scholar needs to be productive to do their research in time, write them and produce them before their guide right on or even before the stipulated time frame. 8. Being Positive It is very easy to get frustrated during the lengthy research process. A PhD scholar needs to keep frustration at bay and be positive...

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Essential Elements of a Research Proposal

Posted by on Mar 21, 2014 in Research Proposal | 0 comments

It is not only about stating your objectives and methods while designing a research proposal. It is about presenting every essential element of your proposal in a brief yet interesting manner. Since the future of your suggested research idea is based on your proposal, you should ensure that your study contributes well to your area of research. Then, write a convincing introduction and address research questions that hold importance in your proposed study. In the literature review, give valid points to support the requirement of your study. After this, mention a relevant and effective methodology. Give feasible timelines and honestly clarify about expected...

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